Worship in the End Times - Part 1
Jun 22, 2022
In 1984 I had a remarkable experience in my office during a time of studying God’s word. I was suddenly aware of the overwhelming presence of God, and I started to write down the impressions I was getting that turned out to be a page of prophecy regarding what I concluded was insight into the role of praise and worship in the church. This resulted in the conception and birth of my ministry called Psalmody International, and the development of course material (School of Worship) to help people develop a lifestyle of worship. Since that time the school has impacted thousands of people in many nations and continues to do so through online courses and seminars.
I expanded the prophecy in book form called ‘The Worshiping You’, and thought it was exclusively for those interested in worship. However, the feedback from many who read it was that it was painting a prophetic picture of the Church in the end times and the role worship would play. Since then, I have felt a greater urgency to share the prophetic word and prepare the church to develop worship as a way of life. This urgency has been fueled by the undeniable evidence and growing uncertainty that things are changing in the world at a remarkable pace. Simultaneously there is also growing consensus among many and that we are also on the brink of the greatest move of God in the history of the church.
I will share weekly aspects of the prophetic word I received that covers so many biblical subjects that seem to flow when worship is prioritised. We will explore the influence of worship on individual transformation, transformation of geographical areas; personal and corporate healing, evangelism and harvest of souls, financial transfer, and supernatural abundance to build the kingdom, among many other subjects.
We are living in the most challenging but the most exciting times. I believe we are on the cusp of a radical shift in our understanding of the worship that God desires in the end times and some of the changes we must make to accommodate it. The results will be supernatural.
As the precursor to a great outpouring of His Spirit, God will find the worshipers He is seeking, and I believe will return for a Church that worships Him. Jesus said that the Father is seeking worshipers, and I am sure the Father will not be disappointed in His search. This is a time when the Holy Spirit is searching the earth looking for those who worship in spirit and truth, who have a heart like David and a relationship with the Father that Jesus exemplified.
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