The Power of Prophecy - Worship in the End Times Part 2
Jul 01, 2022
I am excited to share these blogs with you over the following weeks and months based on the prophetic word I received when I had an encounter with God in my room as previously mentioned in the first blog. When I received this word, I did not expect it and had no idea the consequences and impact it would have on my life and ministry. The 40-minute prophetic encounter I had 40 years ago is still strong within me and the Psalmody School of Worship course that resulted from it has blessed tens of thousands in many nations and continues to do so. The prophecy has ‘weathered’ the passage of time. I will start sharing with you next week on the specific things in the prophecy that I wrote down.
Prophecy is reality that exists in a different time frame, God’s timetable of events waiting to be manifest by someone who believes and acts on them. Prophecy and prophetic ministry are very important because they are associated with the plans and purposes of God, revealing the heart of the Father for the church today, and preparing us for the church of tomorrow. Prophecy reminds the devil of our present function as kings and priests with the responsibility and authority to execute the Fathers’ purpose in the earth now and in the future. Every step in fulfilling prophecy also reminds the devil of his impending judgment and eternal doom.
Prophecy is divine guidance requiring us to wage a good (excellent) warfare against the devil’s plans to stop us from fulfilling God’s will in our lives (1 Timothy 1:18). Waging a good warfare includes meditating on the prophecy’s, confessing, and visualising you experiencing them. As this happens you are literally forming strategies in the spirit realm for the prophecies to come to pass in the natural realm. If we use prophecy to show us where we are headed, we will have the hope and courage to act boldly irrespective of what we see in the natural until they come to pass.
God will never leave us unprepared for what He is about to do, because He has made a covenant with us that we will be partners with Him to fulfil His plans. Many have carried prophecies in their heart that sadly have never come to pass because they did not know how to wage a good warfare. They have erroneously believed they would not have to do anything except wait for the prophecies to come to pass, but the Bible teaches the opposite. The warfare we must ‘fight’ is against all distractions and time-consuming things that steal your time with God. Prophecy gives us direction as to where we are headed, but not necessarily on how to get there. We discover this as we spend time with God.
The Holy Spirit is urging us to hear and obey in these times like no other generation, because He is raising up a church of excellence that will be more glorious than any that previously existed (See Haggai 2:9). Churches that thirst for the things of God are open to the prophetic ministry and are making the necessary adjustments to accommodate the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of prophecy is the Holy Spirit prophetically speaking God’s timetable to the Church (See Revelation 19:10). He is emphasising the urgency of the hour and the need for change to accommodate what God is doing.
John 16:13-14
When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.
We are living in a time when prophecy and prophetic ministry is very popular, and sometimes it’s difficult to distinguish between a prophetically anointed voice and one that is not. The more prophecy we are subject to the greater discernment is necessary. But also remember that you don’t necessarily have to get a prophet or receive a prophetic word to give you future direction, as the Holy Spirit does that (Jeremiah 33:3). As a New Testament saint personal prophecy should be confirmation of what you already know in your spirit as deposited by the Holy Spirit.
The prophecy I will share with you is both personal and on a broader scale for the Church and will hopefully be confirmation to most of you but revelation to the rest. If it doesn’t gel with you, then that’s ok, but I hope it does to encourage you as preparation for the great end time outpouring.
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